Solve Nail Fungi 100% Naturally: Healthy and Shiny Nails with Vinegar

2 tablespoons of white vinegar or apple cider vinegar

2 tablespoons of baking soda

A small bowl


1.Make the Paste: In a small bowl, mix the vinegar with baking soda to form a thick paste. Baking soda is alkaline and helps neutralize the acidity of the vinegar on the skin, while still allowing the vinegar’s antifungal properties to work.

2.Apply to Affected Nails: Apply the paste directly to the affected nails and the surrounding skin. Make sure to cover the entire nail and cuticle area.

3.Let It Sit: Leave the paste on your nails for about 15 minutes. This allows the vinegar and baking soda to work together to fight the fungus.

4.Rinse and Dry: Rinse off the paste with warm water and dry your nails thoroughly.

5.Repeat: Use this treatment once daily until the fungus is gone.

  1. Vinegar and Essential Oil Treatment


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