Wrong organ removed during surgery leads to man’s death on Florida operating table

During the month of January, William Bryan, who is 70 years old, and his wife Beverly were vacationing in Florida when he started having discomfort in his lower left abdomen. He was rushed to the hospital, where a physician made a mistake that ultimately proved to be deadly.

It is said that a puzzled widow is in a state of mourning after the death of her husband on the operating table, which occurred as a result of an error made by the surgeon in removing the incorrect organ.

When William Bryan started experiencing severe discomfort in his lower left abdomen region, he was at his vacation home in Okaloosa County, Florida, with his spouse Beverly. They were taking advantage of the time off while they were there. As soon as possible, the senior citizen from Alabama, who was 70 years old, was sent to the Ascension Sacred Heart Emerald Coast Hospital in Walton County for medical procedures.

After further medical examinations, it was discovered that Mr. Bryan had suffered injuries to his spleen and hemoperitoneum, which triggered an immediate crisis in his health. On behalf of the widow, attorney Joe Zarzaur indicated that Mrs. Bryan was first reluctant to allow emergency surgery; nevertheless, she was eventually convinced to do so owing to the imminent danger of fatal complications. This information was reported by the Mirror US.

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Thomas Shaknovsky, a surgeon, is being accused of removing the incorrect organ, which led to a “catastrophic death” ( 

Photograph of Zarzaur Law)

As destiny would have it, Mr. Bryan was scheduled to have a splenectomy on August 21. The procedure would include the removal of his injured spleen, which was situated in the upper quadrant of his belly. It was during this conversation that Surgeon Thomas Shaknovsky went over the “risks, benefits, and alternatives” associated with the treatment with the couple.

Despite this, the information that is kept by the attorney indicates that a catastrophic mistake happened when the physician apparently removed Mr. Bryan’s liver rather than his spleen while doing the operation.

According to the attorney, the sad mix-up that occurred during surgery resulted in the death of Mr. Bryan. This occurred when a major artery was cut, which resulted in a significant loss of blood. It has been stated that the physician not only failed to recognize the inaccuracy in a timely manner but also incorrectly described the excised liver as the “spleen.”

However, a post-mortem investigation showed that Mr. Bryan’s liver had been removed rather than his spleen, which was shown to be intact with a cyst, as detailed by Zarzaur in the press event that took place on Tuesday: “I have the pleasure of representing Mrs. Bryan and her family.” I’m sorry to say that we are representing her in one of the most heinous instances of medical misconduct that I’ve ever been associated with.

Further comments were made by Zarzaur on the health of the spleen. He said, “The spleen had a small cyst on it that had some hemorrhage around it, but it was not a fatal issue.” The cyst seemed to be rather typical in appearance. It is quite likely that it would have been fairly curable.

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In spite of the fact that she had been married to William Bryan for 33 wonderful years, his sad widow lovingly recalled her spouse. “I was fortunate enough to be the wife of William Bryan, who is also known as Bill Bryan, and I will always be grateful for the time that I had with him,” she said, expressing her appreciation for the life that they had spent together. We have three children and eight grandkids, and all of them are thankful for the time they were able to spend with him.

Beverly Bryan, the wife of William Bryan, is seen in this photograph.

Photograph of Zarzaur Law)

Mrs. Bryan described the suffering that her family is experiencing, indicating that they are “heartbroken and angry” owing to the fact that her husband passed away “due to the incompetence of the doctors involved in the negligence of the Ascension Hospital.”

She made the following statement: “They took him away from us while he was completely helpless on the operating table.” Because they took his liver rather than his spleen, it was certain that he would bleed to death while he was on the operating table.

In the course of her description of the tragic event that took place, Mrs. Bryan referred to the passing of her husband as “unnecessary and brutal,” and she shared that their Alabama town has been left “devastated.” She proceeded by saying, “He brought joy to every life that he ever touched.” This was followed by a moving tribute. He was the most wonderful husband and fath

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